2666 | Roberto | Bolano |
2001: A Space Odyssey | Arthur C. | Clarke |
A Bend in the River | V.S. | Naipaul |
A Boy’s Own Story | Edmund | White |
A Clockwork Orange | Anthony | Burgess |
A Dance to the Music of Time | Anthony | Powell |
A Day in Spring | Ciril | Kosmac |
A Day Off | Storm | Jameson |
A Dream of Red Mansions | Cao | Xueqin |
A Dry White Season | Andre | Brink |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest | Hemingway |
A Fine Balance | Rohinton | Mistry |
A Ghost at Noon | Alberto | Moravia |
A Hero of Our Times | Mikhail Yurevich | Lermontov |
A Kestrel for a Knave | Barry | Hines |
A Light Comedy | Eduardo | Mendoza |
A Modest Proposal | Jonathan | Swift |
A Pale View of Hills | Kazuo | Ishiguro |
A Passage to India | E.M. | Forster |
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | James | Joyce |
A Prayer for Owen Meany | John | Irving |
A Question of Power | Bessie | Head |
A Room With a View | E.M. | Forster |
A Sentimental Journey | Laurence | Sterne |
A Severed Head | Iris | Murdoch |
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian | Marina | Lewycka |
A Suitable Boy | Vikram | Seth |
A Tale of Love and Darkness | Amos | Oz |
A Town Like Alice | Nevil | Shute |
A Void | Georges | Perec |
A Woman’s Life | Guy | de Maupassant |
A World for Julius | Alfredo Bryce | Echenique |
Absalom, Absalom! | William | Faulkner |
Absolute Beginners | Colin | MacInnes |
Ada | Vladimir | Nabokov |
Adam Bede | George | Eliot |
Against the Day | Thomas | Pynchon |
Against the Grain | Joris-Karl | Huysmans |
Alamut | Vladimir | Bartol |
Alberta and Jacob | Cora | Sandel |
Alias Grace | Margaret | Atwood |
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland | Lewis | Carroll |
All About H. Hatterr | G.V. | Desani |
All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria | Remarque |
All Souls | Javier | Marias |
All Souls Day | Cees | Nooteboom |
All the Pretty Horses | Cormac | McCarthy |
Almost Transparent Blue | Ryu | Murakami |
Amadis of Gaul | Garci Rodriguez | de Montalvo |
American Psycho | Bret Easton | Ellis |
Amerika | Franz | Kafka |
Amok | Stefan | Zweig |
Amongst Women | John | McGahern |
An Artist of the Floating World | Kazuo | Ishiguro |
Anagrams | Lorrie | Moore |
Ancestral Voices | Etienne | van Heerden |
Andrea | Carmen | Laforet |
Animal Farm | George | Orwell |
Animal's People | Indra | Sinha |
Anna Karenina | Leo | Tolstoy |
Annie John | Jamaica | Kincaid |
Anton Reiser | Karl Philipp | Moritz |
Arcadia | Jim | Crace |
Arcanum 17 | André | Breton |
Around the World in Eighty Days | Jules | Verne |
Arrow of God | Chinua | Achebe |
As a Man Grows Older | Italo | Svevo |
As If I Am Not There | Slavenka | Drakulic |
Ashes and Diamonds | Jerzy | Andrzejewski |
Asphodel | Hilda | Doolittle |
Astradeni | Eugenia | Fakinou |
At Swim-Two-Birds | Flann | O’Brien |
At the Mountains of Madness | H.P. | Lovecraft |
Atonement | Ian | McEwan |
Austerlitz | W.G. | Sebald |
Auto-da-Fé | Elias | Canetti |
Autumn of the Patriarch | Gabriel | García Márquez |
Babbitt | Sinclair | Lewis |
Back | Henry | Green |
Back to Oegstgeest | Jan | Wolkers |
Baltasar and Blimunda | Jose | Saramago |
Barabbas | Par | Lagerkvist |
Bartleby and Co. | Enrique | Vila-Matas |
Bebo's Girl | Carlo | Cassola |
Before Night Falls | Reinaldo | Arenas |
Bel-Ami | Guy | de Maupassant |
Belle du Seigneur | Albert | Cohen |
Beloved | Toni | Morrison |
Ben-Hur | Lew | Wallace |
Berlin Alexanderplatz | Alfred | Döblin |
Billiards at Half-Past Nine | Heinrich | Böll |
Billy Liar | Keith | Waterhouse |
Birdsong | Sebastian | Faulks |
Black Box | Amos | Oz |
Blaming | Elizabeth | Taylor |
Bleak House | Charles | Dickens |
Blind Man With a Pistol | Chester | Himes |
Blindness | Henry | Green |
Blood and Guts in High School | Kathy | Acker |
Blood Meridian | Cormac | McCarthy |
Blue of Noon | Georges | Bataille |
Bonjour Tristesse | Françoise | Sagan |
Borstal Boy | Brendan | Behan |
Bosnian Chronicle | Ivo | Andrić |
Bouvard and Pécuchet | Gustave | Flaubert |
Brave New World | Aldous | Huxley |
Breakfast at Tiffany’s | Truman | Capote |
Brideshead Revisited | Evelyn | Waugh |
Brighton Rock | Graham | Greene |
Broad and Alien is the World | Ciro | Alegria |
Broken April | Ismail | Kadare |
Buddenbrooks | Thomas | Mann |
Burger’s Daughter | Nadine | Gordimer |
By the Open Sea | August | Strindberg |
Call it Sleep | Henry | Roth |
Camera Obscura | Hildebrand | |
Camilla | Fanny | Burney |
Cancer Ward | Aleksandr | Solzhenitsyn |
Candide | Voltaire | |
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin | Louis | de Bernieres |
Carry Me Down | M.J. | Hyland |
Casino Royale | Ian | Fleming |
Castle Rackrent | Maria | Edgeworth |
Cat and Mouse | Günter | Grass |
Cat’s Cradle | Kurt | Vonnegut |
Cataract | Mykhailo | Osadchyi |
Catch-22 | Joseph | Heller |
Cause for Alarm | Eric | Ambler |
Celestial Harmonies | Péter | Esterházy |
Chaka | Thomas | Mofolo |
Cheese | Willem | Elsschot |
Chess Story | Stefan | Zweig |
Christ Stopped at Eboli | Carlo | Levi |
Cider With Rosie | Laurie | Lee |
Cigarettes | Harry | Mathews |
City Sister Silver | Jáchym | Topol |
Clarissa | Samuel | Richardson |
Claudine's House | Colette | |
Clear Light of Day | Anita | Desai |
Closely Watched Trains | Bohumil | Hrabal |
Cloud Atlas | David | Mitchell |
Cold Comfort Farm | Stella | Gibbons |
Compassion | Benito | Perez Galdos |
Confederacy of Dunces | John | Kennedy Toole |
Confessions | Jean-Jacques | Rousseau |
Contact | Carl | Sagan |
Conversations In Sicily | Elio | Vittorini |
Correction | Thomas | Bernhard |
Couples, Passerby | Botho | Strauss |
Cranford | Elizabeth | Gaskell |
Crash | J.G. | Ballard |
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor | Dostoevsky |
Crome Yellow | Aldous | Huxley |
Crossfire | Miyuki | Miyabe |
Cry, the Beloved Country | Alan | Paton |
Cutter and Bone | Newton | Thornburg |
Dangerous Liaisons | Pierre | Choderlos de Laclos |
Dangling Man | Saul | Bellow |
David Copperfield | Charles | Dickens |
Day of the Dolphin | Robert | Merle |
Day of the Triffids | John | Wyndham |
Dead Souls | Nikolay | Gogol |
Death and the Dervish | Mesa | Selimovic |
Death in Rome | Wolfgang | Koeppen |
Death in Venice | Thomas | Mann |
Death Sentence | Maurice | Blanchot |
Decline and Fall | Evelyn | Waugh |
Deep River | Shusaku | Endo |
Deep Rivers | Jose Maria | Arguedas |
Delta of Venus | Anaïs | Nin |
Democracy | Joan | Didion |
Diary of a Nobody | George | Grossmith |
Dictionary of the Khazars | Milorad | Pavic |
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency | Douglas | Adams |
Dirty Havana Trilogy | Pedro Juan | Gutierrez |
Disappearance | David | Dabydeen |
Disgrace | J.M. | Coetzee |
Disobedience | Alberto | Moravia |
Dispatches | Michael | Herr |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Philip K. | Dick |
Doctor Faustus | Thomas | Mann |
Doctor Zhivago | Boris | Pasternak |
Dog Years | Gunter | Grass |
Dom Casmurro | Joaquim Maria Machado | de Assis |
Don Quixote | Miguel | de Cervantes Saavedra |
Down Second Avenue | Es'kia | Mphahlele |
Down There | Joris-Karl | Huysmans |
Dracula | Bram | Stoker |
Drunkard | Émile | Zola |
Dusklands | J.M. | Coetzee |
Eclipse of the Crescent Moon | Geza | Gardonyi |
Effi Briest | Theodor | Fontane |
Elective Affinities | Johann Wolfgang von | Goethe |
Elementary Particles | Michel | Houellebecq |
Eline Vere | Louis | Couperus |
Embers | Sandor | Marai |
Émile; or, On Education | Jean-Jacques | Rousseau |
Emma | Jane | Austen |
Empire of the Sun | J.G. | Ballard |
Enduring Love | Ian | McEwan |
Erewhon | Samuel | Butler |
Ethan Frome | Edith | Wharton |
Eugene Onegin | Alexander | Pushkin |
Eugénie Grandet | Honoré | de Balzac |
Eva Trout | Elizabeth | Bowen |
Evelina | Fanny | Burney |
Everything is Illuminated | Jonathan Safran | Foer |
Everything That Rises Must Converge | Flannery | O’Connor |
Excellent Women | Barbara | Pym |
Exercises in Style | Raymond | Queneau |
Extinction | Thomas | Bernhard |
Eyeless in Gaza | Aldous | Huxley |
Faceless Killers | Henning | Mankell |
Faces in the Water | Janet | Frame |
Facundo | Domingo Faustino | Sarmiento |
Fado Alexandrino | Antonio Lobo | Antunes |
Fall on Your Knees | Ann-Marie | MacDonald |
Falling Man | Don | DeLillo |
Fanny Hill | John | Cleland |
Fantômas | Marcel | Allain |
Far from the Madding Crowd | Thomas | Hardy |
Fateless | Imre | Kertész |
Fathers and Sons | Ivan | Turgenev |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | Hunter S. | Thompson |
Fear and Trembling | Amélie | Nothomb |
Fear of Flying | Erica | Jong |
Felicia’s Journey | William | Trevor |
Ferdydurke | Witold | Gombrowicz |
Fifth Business | Robertson | Davies |
Finnegans Wake | James | Joyce |
Flaubert’s Parrot | Julian | Barnes |
Fool's Gold | Maro | Douka |
For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest | Hemingway |
Forever a Stranger | Hella | Haasse |
Foucault’s Pendulum | Umberto | Eco |
Foundation | Isaac | Asimov |
Frankenstein | Mary | Shelley |
Franny and Zooey | J.D. | Salinger |
Froth on the Daydream | Boris | Vian |
Fruits of the Earth | André | Gide |
Fugitive Pieces | Anne | Michaels |
G | John | Berger |
Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon | Jorge | Amado |
Garden, Ashes | Danilo | Kis |
Gargantua and Pantagruel | Françoise | Rabelais |
Germinal | Émile | Zola |
Get Shorty | Elmore | Leonard |
Giles Goat-Boy | John | Barth |
Gimmick! | Joost | Zwagerman |
Giovanni’s Room | James | Baldwin |
Girl With Green Eyes | Edna | O’Brien |
Go Tell It on the Mountain | James | Baldwin |
God's Bits of Wood | Ousmane | Sembene |
Gone With the Wind | Margaret | Mitchell |
Good Morning, Midnight | Jean | Rhys |
Goodbye to Berlin | Christopher | Isherwood |
Gormenghast | Mervyn | Peake |
Gösta Berling’s Saga | Selma | Lagerlöf |
Gravity’s Rainbow | Thomas | Pynchon |
Great Expectations | Charles | Dickens |
Green Henry | Gottfried | Keller |
Group Portrait With Lady | Heinrich | Böll |
Growth of the Soil | Knut | Hamsun |
Gulliver’s Travels | Jonathan | Swift |
Hadrian the Seventh | Frederick | Rolfe |
Half of a Yellow Sun | Chimamanda Ngozi | Adichie |
Half of Man is Woman | Zhang | Xianliang |
Halftime | Martin | Walser |
Hallucinating Foucault | Patricia | Duncker |
Hawksmoor | Peter | Ackroyd |
Heart of Darkness | Joseph | Conrad |
Heartbreak Tango | Manuel | Puig |
Henry of Ofterdingen | Novalis | |
Her Privates We | Frederic | Manning |
Here's to You, Jesusa | Elena | Poniatowska |
Herzog | Saul | Bellow |
Hideous Kinky | Esther | Freud |
Homo Faber | Max | Frisch |
House in the Uplands | Erskine | Caldwell |
House Mother Normal | B.S. | Johnson |
How Late It Was, How Late | James | Kelman |
Howards End | E.M. | Forster |
Humboldt’s Gift | Saul | Bellow |
Humphrey Clinker | Tobias George | Smollett |
Hunger | Knut | Hamsun |
Hyperion | Friedrich | Hölderlin |
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings | Maya | Angelou |
I Thought of Daisy | Edmund | Wilson |
I, Robot | Isaac | Asimov |
I’m Not Stiller | Max | Frisch |
If Not Now, When? | Primo | Levi |
If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler | Italo | Calvino |
If This Is a Man | Primo | Levi |
I'm Not Scared | Niccolo | Ammaniti |
Impressions of Africa | Raymond | Roussel |
In A Free State | V.S. | Naipaul |
In a Glass Darkly | Sheridan | Le Fanu |
In Cold Blood | Truman | Capote |
In Parenthesis | David | Jones |
In Search of Klingsor | Jorge | Volpi |
In the Heart of the Country | J.M. | Coetzee |
In The Heart of the Seas | Shmuel Yosef | Agnon |
In Watermelon Sugar | Richard | Brautigan |
Independent People | Halldór | Laxness |
Indian Summer | Adalbert | Stifter |
Indigo | Marina | Warner |
Infinite Jest | David Foster | Wallace |
Inland | Gerald | Murnane |
Inside Mr. Enderby | Anthony | Burgess |
Interview With the Vampire | Anne | Rice |
Invisible Cities | Italo | Calvino |
Invisible Man | Ralph | Ellison |
Islands | Dan | Sleigh |
Ivanhoe | Sir Walter | Scott |
Jack Maggs | Peter | Carey |
Jacob the Liar | Jurek | Becker |
Jahrestage | Uwe | Johnson |
Jane Eyre | Charlotte | Brontë |
Jealousy | Alain | Robbe-Grillet |
Joseph and His Brothers | Thomas | Mann |
Joseph Andrews | Henry | Fielding |
Journey to the Alcarria | Camilo Jose | Cela |
Journey to the Centre of the Earth | Jules | Verne |
Journey to the End of the Night | Louis-Ferdinand | Céline |
Journey to the West | Wu | Cheng'en |
Jude the Obscure | Thomas | Hardy |
Julie; or, the New Eloise | Jean-Jacques | Rousseau |
July’s People | Nadine | Gordimer |
Junkie | William | Burroughs |
Justine | Lawrence | Durrell |
Justine | Marquis | de Sade |
Kafka on the Shore | Haruki | Murakami |
Keep the Aspidistra Flying | George | Orwell |
Kim | Rudyard | Kipling |
King Lear of the Steppes | Ivan | Turgenev |
King Solomon’s Mines | H. | Rider Haggard |
Kiss of the Spider Woman | Manuel | Puig |
Kitchen | Banana | Yoshimoto |
Kokoro | Natsume | Soseki |
Kristin Lavransdatter | Sigrid | Undset |
La Bête Humaine | Émile | Zola |
La Brava | Elmore | Leonard |
La Celestina | Fernando | de Rojas |
Labyrinths | Jorge Luis | Borges |
Lady Chatterley’s Lover | D.H. | Lawrence |
Lady Number Thirteen | Jose Carlos | Somoza |
Lanark: A Life in Four Books | Alasdair | Gray |
Land | Park | Kyung-ni |
Larva: Midsummer Night's Babel | Julian | Rios |
Last of the Mohicans | James | Fenimore Cooper |
Lazarillo de Tormes | Anonymous | |
Le Père Goriot | Honoré | de Balzac |
Leaden Wings | Zhang | Jie |
Legend | David | Gemmell |
Les Enfants Terribles | Jean | Cocteau |
Les Misérables | Victor | Hugo |
Libra | Don | DeLillo |
Life and Death of Harriett Frean | May | Sinclair |
Life is a Caravanserai | Emine | Özdamar |
Life of Christ | Giovanni | Papini |
Life of Pi | Yann | Martel |
Life: A User’s Manual | Georges | Perec |
Like Life | Lorrie | Moore |
Like Water for Chocolate | Laura | Esquivel |
Little Women | Louisa May | Alcott |
Lives of Girls and Women | Alice | Munro |
Living | Henry | Green |
Locus Solus | Raymond | Roussel |
Lolita | Vladimir | Nabokov |
London Fields | Martin | Amis |
Look Homeward, Angel | Thomas | Wolfe |
Looking for the Possible Dance | A.L. | Kennedy |
Lord of the Flies | William | Golding |
Lost Illusions | Honoré | de Balzac |
Love in a Cold Climate | Nancy | Mitford |
Love in Excess | Eliza | Haywood |
Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel | García Márquez |
Love Medicine | Louise | Erdrich |
Love’s Work | Gillian | Rose |
Loving | Henry | Green |
Lucky Jim | Kingsley | Amis |
Madame Bovary | Gustave | Flaubert |
Main Street | Sinclair | Lewis |
Maldoror | Comte | de Lautréaumont |
Malone Dies | Samuel | Beckett |
Manon des Sources | Marcel | Pagnol |
Man's Fate | André | Malraux |
Mansfield Park | Jane | Austen |
Mao II | Don | DeLillo |
Margot and the Angels | Kristien | Hemmerechts |
Marius the Epicurean | Walter | Pater |
Marks of Identity | Juan | Goytisolo |
Martin Fierro | Jose | Hernandez |
Matigari | Ngugi wa | Thiong'o |
Max Havelaar | Multatuli | |
Measuring the World | Daniel | Kehlmann |
Melmoth the Wanderer | Charles Robert | Maturin |
Memoirs of a Peasant Boy | Xose Neira | Vilas |
Memoirs of Hadrian | Marguerite | Yourcenar |
Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus | John | Arbuthnot |
Memoirs of my Nervous Illness | Daniel Paul | Schreber |
Memoirs of Rain | Sunetra | Gupta |
Memory of Fire | Eduardo | Galeano |
Michael Kohlhaas | Heinrich | von Kleist |
Midaq Alley | Naguib | Mahfouz |
Middlemarch | George | Eliot |
Midnight’s Children | Salman | Rushdie |
Miramar | Naguib | Mahfouz |
Miss Lonelyhearts | Nathanael | West |
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day | Winifred | Watson |
Moby-Dick | Herman | Melville |
Moll Flanders | Daniel | Defoe |
Molloy | Samuel | Beckett |
Money to Burn | Ricardo | Piglia |
Money: A Suicide Note | Martin | Amis |
Monica | Saunders | Lewis |
Moon Palace | Paul | Auster |
Morvern Callar | Alan | Warner |
Moscow Stations | Venedikt | Erofeyev |
Mother | Maxim | Gorky |
Mother's Milk | Edward | St Aubyn |
Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia | Woolf |
Murder Must Advertise | Dorothy L. | Sayers |
Murphy | Samuel | Beckett |
Myra Breckinridge | Gore | Vidal |
Nadja | André | Breton |
Naked Lunch | William | Burroughs |
Nana | Émile | Zola |
Native Son | Richard | Wright |
Nausea | Jean-Paul | Sartre |
Nervous Conditions | Tsitsi | Dangarembga |
Neuromancer | William | Gibson |
New Grub Street | George | Gissing |
News from Nowhere | William | Morris |
Nights at the Circus | Angela | Carter |
Nightwood | Djuna | Barnes |
Nineteen Eighty-Four | George | Orwell |
Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids | Kenzaburo | Oe |
No Laughing Matter | Angus | Wilson |
No One Writes to the Colonel | Gabriel | García Márquez |
None but the Brave | Arthur | Schnitzler |
North and South | Elizabeth | Gaskell |
Nostromo | Joseph | Conrad |
Notes from the Underground | Fyodor | Dostoevsky |
Nowhere Man | Aleksandar | Hemon |
Obabakoak | Bernardo | Atxaga |
Oblomov | Ivan | Goncharov |
Of Human Bondage | W. Somerset | Maugham |
Of Love and Shadows | Isabel | Allende |
Of Mice and Men | John | Steinbeck |
Oliver Twist | Charles | Dickens |
On Love | Alain | de Botton |
On the Black Hill | Bruce | Chatwin |
On the Edge of Reason | Miroslav | Krleza |
On the Heights of Despair | Emil | Cioran |
On the Road | Jack | Kerouac |
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich | Aleksandr | Solzhenitsyn |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest | Ken | Kesey |
One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel | García Márquez |
One, No One and One Hundred Thousand | Luigi | Pirandello |
Orlando | Virginia | Woolf |
Oroonoko | Aphra | Behn |
Oscar and Lucinda | Peter | Carey |
Our Lady of Assassins | Fernando | Vallejo |
Out of Africa | Isak | Dinesen |
Pale Fire | Vladimir | Nabokov |
Pallieter | Felix | Timmermans |
Pamela | Samuel | Richardson |
Parade’s End | Ford Madox | Ford |
Paradise of the Blind | Duong Thu | Huong |
Passing | Nella | Larsen |
Patterns of Childhood | Christa | Wolf |
Pavel's Letters | Monika | Moron |
Pepita Jimenez | Juan | Valera |
Peregrine Pickle | Tobias George | Smollett |
Pereira Declares: A Testimony | Antonio | Tabucchi |
Perfume | Patrick | Süskind |
Pharoah | Boleslaw | Prus |
Phineas Finn | Anthony | Trollope |
Pierre and Jean | Guy | de Maupassant |
Pilgrimage | Dorothy | Richardson |
Pippi Longstocking | Astrid | Lindgren |
Platero and I | Juan Ramon | Jimenez |
Platform | Michel | Houellebecq |
Play It As It Lays | Joan | Didion |
Pnin | Vladimir | Nabokov |
Port | Antun | Šoljan |
Portnoy’s Complaint | Philip | Roth |
Possessing the Secret of Joy | Alice | Walker |
Pricksongs and Descants | Robert | Coover |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane | Austen |
Professor Martens' Departure | Jaan | Kross |
Professor Unrat | Heinrich | Mann |
Promise at Dawn | Romain | Gary |
Quartet in Autumn | Barbara | Pym |
Quicksand | Nella | Larsen |
Quo Vadis | Henryk | Sienkiewicz |
Rabbit is Rich | John | Updike |
Rabbit Redux | John | Updike |
Rabbit, Run | John | Updike |
Ragtime | E.L. | Doctorow |
Rameau’s Nephew | Denis | Diderot |
Rashomon | Akutagawa | Ryunosuke |
Rasselas | Samuel | Johnson |
Reasons to Live | Amy | Hempel |
Rebecca | Daphne | du Maurier |
Regeneration | Pat | Barker |
Remains of the Day | Kazuo | Ishiguro |
Remembering Babylon | David | Malouf |
Remembrance of Things Past | Marcel | Proust |
Requiem for a Dream | Hubert | Selby Jr. |
Retreat Without Song | Shahan | Shahnur |
Reveries of a Solitary Walker | Jean-Jacques | Rousseau |
Rickshaw Boy | Lao | She |
Rituals | Cees | Nooteboom |
Rob Roy | Sir Walter | Scott |
Robinson Crusoe | Daniel | Defoe |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms | Luo | Guanzhong |
Santa Evita | Tomas Eloy | Martinez |
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning | Alan | Sillitoe |
Schindler’s Ark | Thomas | Keneally |
Season of Migration to the North | Tayeb | Salih |
Sense and Sensibility | Jane | Austen |
Sentimental Education | Gustave | Flaubert |
Sexing the Cherry | Jeanette | Winterson |
Shame | Salman | Rushdie |
Siddhartha | Herman | Hesse |
Silas Marner | George | Eliot |
Silence | Shusaku | Endo |
Silk | Alessandro | Baricco |
Simon and the Oaks | Marianne | Fredriksson |
Sister Carrie | Theodore | Dreiser |
Slaughterhouse Five | Kurt | Vonnegut |
Small Island | Andrea | Levy |
Small Remedies | Shashi | Deshpande |
Smell of Sadness | Alfred | Kossmann |
Smiley’s People | John | Le Carré |
Smilla’s Sense of Snow | Peter | Høeg |
Snow | Orhan | Pamuk |
So Long a Letter | Mariama | Ba |
Solaris | Stanislaw | Lem |
Soldiers of Salamis | Javier | Cercas |
Solitude | Victor | Catala |
Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. | Somerville and Ross | |
Some Prefer Nettles | Junichiro | Tanizaki |
Sometimes a Great Notion | Ken | Kesey |
Song of Solomon | Toni | Morrison |
Sons and Lovers | D.H. | Lawrence |
Southern Seas | Manuel Vazquez | Montalban |
Spring Flowers, Spring Frost | Ismail | Kadare |
Spring Torrents | Ivan | Turgenev |
Steppenwolf | Herman | Hesse |
Stone Junction | Jim | Dodge |
Story of the Eye | Georges | Bataille |
Strait is the Gate | André | Gide |
Stranger in a Strange Land | Robert | Heinlein |
Suite Francaise | Irene | Nemirovsky |
Summer in Baden-Baden | Leonid | Tsypkin |
Summer Will Show | Sylvia | Townsend Warner |
Surfacing | Margaret | Atwood |
Tarka the Otter | Henry | Williamson |
Tarr | Wyndham | Lewis |
Tarzan of the Apes | Edgar | Rice Burroughs |
Tender is the Night | F. Scott | Fitzgerald |
Tent of Miracles | Jorge | Amado |
Tess of the D’Urbervilles | Thomas | Hardy |
Testament of Youth | Vera | Brittain |
Thais | Anatole | France |
Thank You, Jeeves | P.G. | Wodehouse |
The 120 Days of Sodom | Marquis | de Sade |
The 13 Clocks | James | Thurber |
The Abbot C | Georges | Bataille |
The Accidental | Ali | Smith |
The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll | Alvaro | Mutis |
The Adventures of Caleb Williams | William | Godwin |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Mark | Twain |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan | Doyle |
The Adventurous Simplicissimus | Hans | von Grimmelshausen |
The Afternoon of a Writer | Peter | Handke |
The Age of Innocence | Edith | Wharton |
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay | Michael | Chabon |
The Ambassadors | Henry | James |
The Apes of God | Wyndham | Lewis |
The Artamonov Business | Maxim | Gorky |
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas | Gertrude | Stein |
The Awakening | Kate | Chopin |
The Back Room | Carmen Martin | Gaite |
The Ballad for Georg Henig | Viktor | Paskov |
The Beautiful Mrs Seidenman | Andrzej | Szczypiorski |
The Beggar Maid | Alice | Munro |
The Bell | Iris | Murdoch |
The Bell Jar | Sylvia | Plath |
The Bells of Basel | Louis | Aragon |
The Betrothed | Alessandro | Manzoni |
The Big Sleep | Raymond | Chandler |
The Birds | Tarjei | Vesaas |
The Bitter Glass | Eilís | Dillon |
The Black Dahlia | James | Ellroy |
The Blind Owl | Sadegh | Hedayat |
The Bluest Eye | Toni | Morrison |
The Bonfire of the Vanities | Tom | Wolfe |
The Book about Blanche and Marie | Per Olov | Enquist |
The Book of Daniel | E.L. | Doctorow |
The Book of Disquiet | Fernando | Pessoa |
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting | Milan | Kundera |
The Bridge on the Drina | Ivo | Andrić |
The Buddha of Suburbia | Hanif | Kureishi |
The Burning Plain | Juan | Rulfo |
The Busconductor Hines | James | Kelman |
The Butcher Boy | Patrick | McCabe |
The Call of the Wild | Jack | London |
The Case of Comrade Tulayev | Victor | Serge |
The Case of Sergeant Grischa | Arnold | Zweig |
The Case Worker | Gyorgy | Konrad |
The Castle | Franz | Kafka |
The Castle of Crossed Destinies | Italo | Calvino |
The Castle of Otranto | Horace | Walpole |
The Catcher in the Rye | J.D. | Salinger |
The Cathedral | Oles | Honchar |
The Cement Garden | Ian | McEwan |
The Charterhouse of Parma | Stendhal | |
The Charwoman’s Daughter | James | Stephens |
The Child of Pleasure | Gabriele | D'Annunzio |
The Christmas Oratorio | Goran | Tunstrom |
The Cider House Rules | John | Irving |
The Clay Machine-Gun | Victor | Pelevin |
The Club Dumas | Arturo | Perez-Reverte |
The Color Purple | Alice | Walker |
The Commandant | Jessica | Anderson |
The Conquest of New Spain | Bernal | Diaz del Castillo |
The Corrections | Jonathan | Franzen |
The Count of Monte-Cristo | Alexandre | Dumas |
The Counterfeiters | André | Gide |
The Country Girls | Edna | O’Brien |
The Crime of Father Amaro | Jose Maria Eca | de Queiros |
The Crow Road | Iain | Banks |
The Crying of Lot 49 | Thomas | Pynchon |
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time | Mark | Haddon |
The Dark Child | Camara | Laye |
The Daughter | Pavlos | Matesis |
The Dead Father | Donald | Barthelme |
The Deadbeats | Ward | Ruyslinck |
The Death of Artemio Cruz | Carlos | Fuentes |
The Death of Ivan Ilyich | Leo | Tolstoy |
The Death of Virgil | Hermann | Broch |
The Devil and Miss Prym | Paulo | Coelho |
The Devil in the Flesh | Raymond | Radiguet |
The Devil to Pay in the Backlands | Joao Guimaraes | Rosa |
The Devils | Fyodor | Dostoevsky |
The Devil's Pool | George | Sand |
The Discovery of Heaven | Harry | Mulisch |
The Dispossessed | Ursula K. | Le Guin |
The Diviners | Margaret | Laurence |
The Drowned and the Saved | Primo | Levi |
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test | Tom | Wolfe |
The Enchanted Wanderer | Nikolai | Leskov |
The End of the Affair | Graham | Greene |
The End of the Story | Lydia | Davis |
The Engineer of Human Souls | Josef | Skvorecky |
The English Patient | Michael | Ondaatje |
The Enigma of Arrival | V.S. | Naipaul |
The Enormous Room | E.E. | Cummings |
The Fall of the House of Usher | Edgar Allan | Poe |
The Fan Man | William | Kotzwinkle |
The Feast of the Goat | Mario Vargas | Llosa |
The Female Quixote | Charlotte | Lennox |
The First Circle | Aleksandr | Solzhenitsyn |
The First Garden | Anne | Herbert |
The Floating Opera | John | Barth |
The Forbidden Realm | J. | Slauerhoff |
The Forest of the Hanged | Liviu | Rebreanu |
The Forsyte Saga | John | Galsworthy |
The French Lieutenant’s Woman | John | Fowles |
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis | Giorgio | Bassani |
The Garden Where the Brass Band Played | Simon | Vestdijk |
The German Lesson | Siegfried | Lenz |
The Ghost Road | Pat | Barker |
The Girls of Slender Means | Muriel | Spark |
The Glass Bead Game | Herman | Hesse |
The Glass Bees | Ernst | Junger |
The Go-Between | L.P. | Hartley |
The God of Small Things | Arundhati | Roy |
The Godfather | Mario | Puzo |
The Golden Ass | Lucius | Apuleius |
The Golden Notebook | Doris | Lessing |
The Good Soldier | Ford Madox | Ford |
The Good Soldier Švejk | Jaroslav | Hašek |
The Graduate | Charles | Webb |
The Grapes of Wrath | John | Steinbeck |
The Grass is Singing | Doris | Lessing |
The Great Gatsby | F. Scott | Fitzgerald |
The Great Indian Novel | Shashi | Tharoor |
The Green Hat | Michael | Arlen |
The Guide | R.K. | Narayan |
The Guiltless | Hermann | Broch |
The Handmaid’s Tale | Margaret | Atwood |
The Harvesters | Cesare | Pavese |
The Heart of Redness | Zakes | Mda |
The Heat of the Day | Elizabeth | Bowen |
The Heretic | Miguel | Delibes |
The History of the Siege of Lisbon | José | Saramago |
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas | Adams |
The Hive | Camilo Jose | Cela |
The Hobbit | J.R.R. | Tolkien |
The Holder of the World | Bharati | Mukherjee |
The Home and the World | Rabindranath | Tagore |
The Honorary Consul | Graham | Greene |
The Hothouse | Wolfgang | Koeppen |
The Hound of the Baskervilles | Arthur Conan | Doyle |
The Hour of the Star | Clarice | Lispector |
The Hours | Michael | Cunningham |
The House by the Medlar Tree | Giovanni | Verga |
The House of Mirth | Edith | Wharton |
The House of the Seven Gables | Nathaniel | Hawthorne |
The House of the Spirits | Isabel | Allende |
The House on the Borderland | William Hope | Hodgson |
The House with the Blind Glass Windows | Herbjorg | Wassmo |
The Human Stain | Philip | Roth |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame | Victor | Hugo |
The Idiot | Fyodor | Dostoevsky |
The Immoralist | André | Gide |
The Inferno | Henri | Barbusse |
The Inheritance of Loss | Kiran | Desai |
The Interesting Narrative | Olaudah | Equiano |
The Invention of Curried Sausage | Uwe | Timm |
The Island of Dr. Moreau | H.G. | Wells |
The Judge and His Hangman | Friedrich | Dürrenmatt |
The Jungle | Upton | Sinclair |
The Kindly Ones | Jonathan | Littell |
The Kingdom of This World | Alejo | Carpentier |
The Kreutzer Sonata | Leo | Tolstoy |
The Labyrinth of Solitude | Octavio | Paz |
The Last Chronicle of Barset | Anthony | Trollope |
The Last of Mr. Norris | Christopher | Isherwood |
The Last Temptation of Christ | Nikos | Kazantzákis |
The Last World | Christoph | Ransmayr |
The Late-Night News | Petros | Markaris |
The Laws | Connie | Palmen |
The Left-Handed Woman | Peter | Handke |
The Leopard | Giuseppe | Tomasi di Lampedusa |
The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr | E.T.A. | Hoffman |
The Life and Times of Michael K | J.M. | Coetzee |
The Life of a Good-for-Nothing | Joseph | von Eichendorff |
The Life of Insects | Victor | Pelevin |
The Line of Beauty | Alan | Hollinghurst |
The Lion of Flanders | Hendrik | Conscience |
The Little Prince | Antoine | de Saint-Exupéry |
The Living and the Dead | Patrick | White |
The Lonely Londoners | Sam | Selvon |
The Long Goodbye | Raymond | Chandler |
The Lord of the Rings | J.R.R. | Tolkien |
The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum | Heinrich | Böll |
The Lost Language of Cranes | David | Leavitt |
The Lost Steps | Alejo | Carpentier |
The Lover | Marguerite | Duras |
The Lusiad | Luis | Vaz de Camoes |
The Magic Mountain | Thomas | Mann |
The Magician of Lublin | Isaac Bashevis | Singer |
The Magus | John | Fowles |
The Making of Americans | Gertrude | Stein |
The Maltese Falcon | Dashiell | Hammett |
The Man of Feeling | Henry | Mackenzie |
The Man Who Loved Children | Christina | Stead |
The Man With the Golden Arm | Nelson | Algren |
The Man Without Qualities | Robert | Musil |
The Mandarins | Simone | de Beauvoir |
The Manila Rope | Veijo | Meri |
The Manor | Isaac Bashevis | Singer |
The Manors of Ulloa | Emilia Pardo | Bazan |
The Master | Colm | Tóibín |
The Master and Margarita | Mikhail | Bulgakov |
The Melancholy of Resistance | László | Krasznahorkai |
The Midnight Examiner | William | Kotzwinkle |
The Midwich Cuckoos | John | Wyndham |
The Mill on the Floss | George | Eliot |
The Monk | M.G. | Lewis |
The Moon and the Bonfires | Cesare | Pavese |
The Moonstone | Wilkie | Collins |
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd | Agatha | Christie |
The Museum of Unconditional Surrender | Dubravka | Ugresic |
The Music of Chance | Paul | Auster |
The Mysteries of Udolpho | Ann | Radcliffe |
The Name of the Rose | Umberto | Eco |
The Namesake | Jhumpa | Lahiri |
The New World | Henry | Walda-Sellasse |
The New York Trilogy | Paul | Auster |
The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. | Sayers |
The Nose | Nikolay | Gogol |
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge | Rainer Maria | Rilke |
The Nun | Denis | Diderot |
The Old Devils | Kingsley | Amis |
The Old Man and the Sea | Ernest | Hemingway |
The Old Wives’ Tale | Arnold | Bennett |
The Once and Future King | T.H. | White |
The Opposing Shore | Julien | Gracq |
The Optimist's Daughter | Eudora | Welty |
The Outsider | Albert | Camus |
The Parable of the Blind | Gert | Hofmann |
The Passion According to G.H. | Clarice | Lispector |
The Path to the Nest of Spiders | Italo | Calvino |
The People of Hemsö | August | Strindberg |
The Piano Teacher | Elfriede | Jelinek |
The Picture of Dorian Gray | Oscar | Wilde |
The Pigeon | Patrick | Süskind |
The Pit and the Pendulum | Edgar Allan | Poe |
The Plague | Albert | Camus |
The Plot Against America | Philip | Roth |
The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara | Kingsolver |
The Portrait of a Lady | Henry | James |
The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas | Joaquim Maria Machado | de Assis |
The Postman Always Rings Twice | James M. | Cain |
The Power and the Glory | Graham | Greene |
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie | Muriel | Spark |
The Princess of Clèves | Madame | de La Fayette |
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner | James | Hogg |
The Professor’s House | Willa | Cather |
The Quest | Frederik | van Eeden |
The Quest for Christa T. | Christa | Wolf |
The Quiet American | Graham | Greene |
The Radetzky March | Joseph | Roth |
The Radiant Way | Margaret | Drabble |
The Ragazzi | Pier Paulo | Pasolini |
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists | Robert | Tressell |
The Rainbow | D.H. | Lawrence |
The Ravishing of Lol V. Stein | Marguerite | Duras |
The Razor’s Edge | W. Somerset | Maugham |
The Reader | Bernhard | Schlink |
The Rebel | Albert | Camus |
The Recognitions | William | Gaddis |
The Red and the Black | Stendhal | |
The Red Room | August | Strindberg |
The Regent's Wife | Leopoldo | Alas |
The Reluctant Fundamentalist | Mohsin | Hamid |
The Return of Philip Latinowicz | Miroslav | Krleza |
The Return of the Soldier | Rebecca | West |
The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine | Childers |
The River Between | Ngugi wa | Thiong'o |
The Roots of Heaven | Romain | Gary |
The Satanic Verses | Salman | Rushdie |
The Savage Detectives | Roberto | Bolano |
The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel | Hawthorne |
The Sea | John | Banville |
The Sea of Fertility | Yukio | Mishima |
The Sea, The Sea | Iris | Murdoch |
The Secret Agent | Joseph | Conrad |
The Secret History | Donna | Tartt |
The Shadow Lines | Amitav | Ghosh |
The Shining | Stephen | King |
The Shipping News | E. Annie | Proulx |
The Shipyard | Juan Carlos | Onetti |
The Siege of Krishnapur | J.G. | Farrell |
The Singapore Grip | J.G. | Farrell |
The Sorrow of Belgium | Hugo | Claus |
The Sorrows of Young Werther | Johann Wolfgang von | Goethe |
The Sound of Waves | Yukio | Mishima |
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold | John | Le Carré |
The Stechlin | Theodor | Fontane |
The Stone Diaries | Carol | Shields |
The Storm of Steel | Ernst | Junger |
The Story of Lucy Gault | William | Trevor |
The Story of O | Pauline | Réage |
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Robert Louis | Stevenson |
The Street of Crocodiles | Bruno | Schulz |
The Successor | Ismail | Kadare |
The Summer Book | Tove | Jansson |
The Sun Also Rises | Ernest | Hemingway |
The Swarm | Frank | Schatzing |
The Swimming Pool Library | Alan | Hollinghurst |
The Taebaek Mountains | Jung Rae | Cho |
The Tale of Genji | Murasaki | Shikibu |
The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter | Anonymous | |
The Talented Mr. Ripley | Patricia | Highsmith |
The Talk of the Town | Ardal | O’Hanlon |
The Tartar Steppe | Dino | Buzzati |
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall | Anne | Brontë |
The Thin Man | Dashiell | Hammett |
The Things They Carried | Tim | O’Brien |
The Thinking Reed | Rebecca | West |
The Third Policeman | Flann | O’Brien |
The Third Wedding | Costas | Taktsis |
The Thirty-Nine Steps | John | Buchan |
The Thousand and One Nights | Anonymous | |
The Three Musketeers | Alexandre | Dumas |
The Tigers of Mompracem | Emilio | Salgari |
The Time Machine | H.G. | Wells |
The Time of Indifference | Alberto | Moravia |
The Time of the Hero | Mario Vargas | Llosa |
The Tin Drum | Günter | Grass |
The Tin Flute | Gabrielle | Roy |
The Travels of Persiles and Sigismunda | Miguel | de Cervantes Saavedra |
The Tree of Man | Patrick | White |
The Trial | Franz | Kafka |
The Trick is to Keep Breathing | Janice | Galloway |
The Triple Mirror of the Self | Zulfikar | Ghose |
The Trusting and the Maimed | James | Plunkett |
The Twilight Years | Sawako | Ariyoshi |
The Twins | Tessa | de Loo |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being | Milan | Kundera |
The Unconsoled | Kazuo | Ishiguro |
The Underdogs | Mariano | Azuela |
The Unfortunate Traveller | Thomas | Nashe |
The Unknown Soldier | Vaino | Linna |
The Vicar of Wakefield | Oliver | Goldsmith |
The Vice-Consul | Marguerite | Duras |
The Viceroys | Federico | De Roberto |
The Virgin in the Garden | A.S. | Byatt |
The Virgin Suicides | Jeffrey | Eugenides |
The War of the End of the World | Mario Vargas | Llosa |
The War of the Worlds | H.G. | Wells |
The Wars | Timothy | Findley |
The Wasp Factory | Iain | Banks |
The Water Margin | Shi | Nai'an |
The Water-Babies | Charles | Kingsley |
The Waves | Virginia | Woolf |
The Way of All Flesh | Samuel | Butler |
The Well of Loneliness | Radclyffe | Hall |
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Haruki | Murakami |
The Wings of the Dove | Henry | James |
The Witness | Juan Jose | Saer |
The Woman in White | Wilkie | Collins |
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis | José | Saramago |
The Year of the Hare | Arto | Paasilinna |
The Young Man | Botho | Strauss |
Their Eyes Were Watching God | Zora | Neale Hurston |
Them | Joyce | Carol Oates |
Thérèse Raquin | Émile | Zola |
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? | Horace | McCoy |
Things Fall Apart | Chinua | Achebe |
Things: A Story of the Sixties | Georges | Perec |
This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen | Tadeusz | Borowski |
Thomas of Reading | Thomas | Deloney |
Thousand Cranes | Yasunari | Kawabata |
Three Trapped Tigers | Guillermo Cabrera | Infante |
Through the Looking Glass | Lewis | Carroll |
Time of Silence | Luis | Martin Santos |
Tirant lo Blanc | Joanot | Martorell |
Titus Groan | Mervyn | Peake |
To Each His Own | Leonardo | Sciascia |
To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper | Lee |
To The Lighthouse | Virginia | Woolf |
To the North | Elizabeth | Bowen |
Tom Jones | Henry | Fielding |
Transit | Anna | Seghers |
Treasure Island | Robert Louis | Stevenson |
Tristram Shandy | Laurence | Sterne |
Tropic of Cancer | Henry | Miller |
Troubling Love | Elena | Ferrante |
Typical | Padgett | Powell |
U.S.A. | John | Dos Passos |
Ulysses | James | Joyce |
Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture | Apostolos | Doxiadis |
Uncle Silas | Sheridan | Le Fanu |
Uncle Tom’s Cabin | Harriet | Beecher Stowe |
Under Fire | Henri | Barbusse |
Under Satan's Sun | Georges | Bernanos |
Under the Net | Iris | Murdoch |
Under the Skin | Michel | Faber |
Under the Volcano | Malcolm | Lowry |
Under the Yoke | Ivan | Vazov |
Underworld | Don | DeLillo |
Untouchable | Mulk Raj | Anand |
V. | Thomas | Pynchon |
Vanity Fair | William Makepeace | Thackeray |
Vathek | William Thomas | Beckford |
Vernon God Little | DBC | Pierre |
Veronika Decides to Die | Paulo | Coelho |
Vertigo | W.G. | Sebald |
Vipers' Tangle | Francois | Mauriac |
Voss | Patrick | White |
W, or the Memory of childhood | Georges | Perec |
Waiting for the Barbarians | J.M. | Coetzee |
Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light | Ivan | Klima |
Walden | Henry David | Thoreau |
War and Peace | Leo | Tolstoy |
War with the Newts | Karel | Capek |
Watchmen | Alan | Moore |
Waterland | Graham | Swift |
We | Yevgeny | Zamyatin |
What a Carve Up! | Jonathan | Coe |
What I Loved | Siri | Hustvedt |
What Maisie Knew | Henry | James |
Whatever | Michel | Houellebecq |
White Noise | Don | DeLillo |
White Teeth | Zadie | Smith |
Wide Sargasso Sea | Jean | Rhys |
Wild Swans | Jung | Chang |
Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship | Johann Wolfgang von | Goethe |
Willard and His Bowling Trophies | Richard | Brautigan |
Wise Blood | Flannery | O’Connor |
Wittgenstein’s Mistress | David | Markson |
Wittgenstein’s Nephew | Thomas | Bernhard |
Woman at Point Zero | Nawal | El Saadawi |
Women in Love | D.H. | Lawrence |
World’s End | T. Coraghessan | Boyle |
Written on the Body | Jeanette | Winterson |
Wuthering Heights | Emily | Brontë |
Young Törless | Robert | Musil |
Your Face Tomorrow | Javier | Marias |
Z | Vassilis | Vassilikos |
Zeno’s Conscience | Italo | Svevo |
Zorba the Greek | Nikos | Kazantzákis |
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The List in ABC order by title
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